Michael Pompeo ( CIA Director ) His paternal great-grandparents, Carlo Pompeo and Adelina Tollis were born in Pacentro , Abruzzo , Italy , and emigrated to the United States in 1899 and 1900, respectively. [15] In 2006, he sold his interest in the company, which by then had been renamed Nex-Tech Aerospace, to Highland Capital Management , which had clients including Lockheed Martin , Gulfstream Aerospace , Cessna Aircraft , Boeing , Spirit AeroSystems and Raytheon Aircraft . [32] CIA is heavly involved in Torture of American Citizens with directed energy weapons , Pompeo had interest in a company that deals with the companies that create those weapons current director still covering it up : " Through special compartmentialized CIA programs they have infiltrated the truther movement to the point that about 70% of intel in alternative media is disinfo coming directly or indirectly from Jesuit sources... The real reason why the Jesuits created CIA, NSA, N...