Press Secretary - Sean Spicer & Kayleigh McEnany

 Sean Spicer ( Press Secretary )

 Sean Spicer Finally Got to Meet Pope Francis, No Thanks to Trump

 30th White House Press Secretary

 White House Communications Director

 His father was an insurance agent and his mother is the department manager in the East Asian studies department at Brown University.[2][23][24]

  was raised Catholic.[26] From 1985 to 1989, Spicer attended Portsmouth Abbey School, a Catholic boarding school in Rhode Island.[27]

 Spicer married Rebecca Miller, at the time a television producer, at St. Alban's Episcopal Church in Washington, D.C.[2]


When Pope loving Spicer 


stepped down he was replaced with Georgetown University ( Archon Alumni ) :

Kayleigh McEnany said she didn't lie in the White House briefing room  because she went to Oxford, Harvard, and Georgetown and was a Christian

McEnany attended the Academy of the Holy Names,[5] a private Catholic preparatory school in Tampa. After graduating, she majored in international politics at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service in Washington, D.C.[6]

in early 2015, before becoming a Trump supporter, McEnany was highly critical of him, declaring on CNN and Fox Business that "Donald Trump has shown himself to be a showman" and it was "unfortunate" and "inauthentic" to call him a Republican. McEnany called his comments about Mexican immigrants "racist".[13]she began supporting Trump after accepting Marcantonio's advice, which he gave to her over cocktails. In an interview with the New York Times, Marcantonio recalled telling McEnany, "Donald Trump is going to be your nominee," and that if "a smart, young, blond Harvard graduate" wanted "to get on television and have a career as a political pundit, you would be wise to be an early backer."[14]


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